Mood for Wood - Magdaleny Wypusz (ARCHI-STRADA 2025)
Design it, make it, try it out. For the past thirteen years, participants in the Mood for wood workshop have been working in this way. Every year, under the guidance of experienced tutors, students and young designers create creative urban furniture out of wood, tailored to specific locations. The list of created structures is long: seats, loungers, meeting places, nature observation points.

Simultaneous design and construction allows to understand well the whole process of implementation and to learn the properties of wood, which is probably the best material for this type of form. This is shown by practice: the objects designed during the workshop are successful and sometimes grow permanently into the neighborhood. Attractive results are accompanied by low costs of the project. What does it look like exactly? Magda Wypusz of the Poznan SARP, who has been organizing and coordinating the workshop since its inception, will share her experience with Mood for Wood. She will talk about how one creates with wood, the creative and technological process, and how to use the experience accumulated over the years.