Wooden architecture through the eyes of experts. ARCHI-STRADA 2025 is underway
The meeting of architects and designers at BUDMA is already underway since yesterday. Among the speakers were well-known and respected people from the Polish and foreign architectural community. At ARCHI-STRADA you can also get acquainted with the exhibition offer, dedicated to architects, buy industry books in the Bookarest bookstore, and visit the ARCHI_CAFE networking zone.

The opening ceremony of this year's Design and Architecture Forum began with a speech by Filip Bittner, Vice President of the MTP Group. Piotr Fokczynski, President of the National Council of the Polish Chamber of Architects, also appeared on stage:
Present here is a group of people contributing to the development of construction. Our participation in the D&A Forum will certainly ennoble the BUDMA trade fair [...]. We always try to show innovations and new trends. Is wood innovative and environmentally friendly? This is what we will find out during the event.
The third speaker was Marek Chrobak, President of the Association of Polish Architects:
Thank you for the invitation and for the fact that - as architects - we are seen in such a good and respectable group as one piece of the whole puzzle. These trends that are opening up to us as new and ecological, and the exhibition space of this pavilion shows that we offer technical innovations on the one hand, and beautiful architecture on the other. Our task is to combine these elements. New construction is a new challenge for us.
[...]I wish you fruitful meetings, good discussions, new inspiration and good ideas.

On Tuesday, lectures by Mateusz Mastalski (Henning&Larsen), Piotr Olszak (Polska Drewniana), Krzysztof Mycielski (Grupa 5 Architekci), Piotr Grabowski (Studio GAB) attracted a wide audience. The speeches culminated in a debate on the topic: Architecture made of wood: heritage and the challenge of modernity, led by our host, Jakub Glaz.
On Wednesday, in turn, we could see a special guest on stage, Asko Takala from Kirsti Sivén & Asko Takala Architects, as well as Magdalena Wypusz (Mood for Wood), Miroslaw Wojcieszak (GWPA), Agnieszka Kalinowska-Soltys and Szymon Wojciechowski (APA Wojciechowski Architekci), Piotr Brodniewicz (Andrewex) and Anna Zawadzka-Sobieraj. The forum concluded with a debate: Wood and what's next? Environmental and Technological Opportunities and Challenges, led by Maciej Frąckowiak (Department of Sociology, UAM).

During the opening of the second day of the forum, we got to know the winners of the “Architectural Sketches” competition, whose theme this year was wood in architecture. The award ceremony featured finalists and winners, who were welcomed on stage by Jakub Glaz together with Wojciech Hildebrandt.
Below is the list of winners:
PLACE I - Jakub Grzegorczyk - Silesian University of Technology,
PLACE II - Mikołaj Gonia - Piotr Potworowski State High School of Fine Arts in Poznań,
POINT III - Klaudia Kazik - Magdaleny Abakanowicz University of Arts in Poznan.
PUBLICITY AWARD received: Jakub Grzegorczyk.

The competition is organized by the Poznań International Fair. Partners of the COMPETITION are the Chamber of Architects of the Republic of Poland and the Association of Polish Architects. The honorary patron of this year's edition of the COMPETITION is Wojciech Hildebrandt, M.Sc., architect, architect and educator.
The three winners received cash prizes donated by the organizers and book prizes donated by Bookarest bookstore.
Although the Design and Architecture Forum has come to an end, the fair continues at its best. Tomorrow's ARCHI-STRADA stage will host the A&B publishing house from 11:00 am. The topic of the debate organized by them will be one of the most important challenges of modern architecture, namely 𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬𝐳𝐤𝐚𝐥𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐰o. The debate will be moderated by Małgorzata Tomczak - editor-in-chief of A&B, and its participants will be:Robert Konieczny (KWK PROMES), Mateusz Mastalski (Henning Larsen), Marcin Kościuch (Ultra Architects) and Magdalena Buczyńska-Zapała (SARP Krakow Branch).
The event will be preceded by the settlement of the 𝒁𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒆𝒔𝒛𝒌𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒆 competition. It will be happening!
In turn, thanks to the cooperation with the Bookarest bookstore, there will be a meeting with the author Robert Konieczny around the book “Buildings + Ideas”, as well as a lecture by Jakub Glaz entitled “Women's Architecture. Women in Architecture”.
Photo support of the fair: fotobueno / Katarzyna Kajda